This time two weeks ago my large leather 3-seater couch was stuck on one end in the tiny hallway of my flat in Preston, while two friends, my uncle and I stood around scratching our heads trying to figure out how to get it unstuck. Perfect planning prevents pathetic performance, or something. At that time I had absolutely no idea what I would be thinking or feeling by mid April. I was taking a risk, making a lot of sacrifices, quite literally moving into the unknown. Would the upheaval of relocation and changing job all be worth it? Well a couple of weeks in maybe it’s too early to say. But my initial feeling is that yes it really has all been worth it.
I have had a pretty busy time the last few weeks. It’s amazing how many entities one needs to contact when relocating and changing job: bank, credit card company, gas water and electricity suppliers, landline and mobile phone companies, internet service provider, satellite TV provider, library service, van hire, previous employer, new employer, local council, doctor, e-tailors, not to mention sorting out somewhere to live etc. This can be made doubly challenging if one does not really know anyone in the area where one is moving to. I have moved probably 20 times in my life, and maybe half a dozen times as an adult, so you would think I would be used to moving by now. But moving can be massively disruptive, and usually it is irreversible. Once you have moved you have moved and that is that. You can move again, but there is usually no moving back. My ticket to Worcester was definitely one way. And while I hope to return to Preston some day, it will not be for a while.
I feel very good about my move. I am more confident, positive, happier, comfortable, organised, and enthusiastic. I am sure some of that is the novelty of the new environment and a certain amount of entropy will take it’s course. But even accounting for the novelty of change, this move feels and tastes right. My new flat is tremendous, and I am embracing my new routine. I am full of the joys of spring, and operation Worcester is bang on track.
If you ever get stuck with a large leather 3-seater couch in a tiny hallway, the secret is wiggle it a bit. It worked for me.
All the best and happy Easter to those who enjoy such things. As someone wrote to me in a text the other day.
“I’m not expecting as much as a fun-sized Mars bar!” But my local has a live band on over the weekend so will probably go and take a listen. Well it would be rude not to.