Whether you are an individual who could do with a few pointers getting to know a new talking or braille gadgit, or an organisation developing your accessibility strategy, Dave is keen to help. No project is too small. Contact Dave today for a free consultation.
Twenty-five years’ using, testing, supporting, designing, demonstrating, training and marketing assistive technology products for blind individuals and organisations around the world.
Clients have included: American Council of the Blind, BAUM Retec UK, BBC, Birmingham University, Bristol Braille Technology CIC, Dolphin Computer Access Ltd, Focus Birmingham, Galloways Society for the Blind, European Blind Union, New College Worcester, RNIB, UK Association for Accessible Formats and the World Blind Union.
Dave started out by developing and delivering high quality assistive technology training for charities and colleges. Conducted systematic product testing and accessibility evaluations for organisations in the public and private sectors.
In 2003 Dave was appointed Managing Director of ACB Radio. Dave produced over one hundred episodes of Main Menu, a weekly technology program from a blindness perspective heard on radio reading services around the world.
One of Europe’s oldest and most respected assistive technology companies Dolphin Computer Access recruited Dave’s accessibility skills in 2006 where he held a range of product management and marketing roles for the next nine years.
Dave is regularly invited to speak at conferences around the world. He has recently presented at CSUN – the California State University Conference on technology and disability, BCS – The Chartered Institute for IT and the VIEW Professional Development Event for vision impairment education workforce.