The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Film Review –
Oh dear dear dear. and there I was looking forward to this coming out on 29 April. Will prob give it a miss now.
Oh dear dear dear. and there I was looking forward to this coming out on 29 April. Will prob give it a miss now.
I’ve been enjoying this guy’s reviews for 10 years so putting my hand in my pocket and sending him a few quid didn’t seem like such a big deal. Maybe I’m just easily taken in?
Rob has finally done something with his web space and posted all his pics of his recent trip to: Tokyo and Bangkok.
I’m sure this guy is being ironic. But joking aside is this the thin end of thin end of the wedge.?
Can’t help feeling this isn’t the last we’re going to hear about this.
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at this.
I still don’t understand why we use DST. If people want extra light, just get upearlier?
This is in my constituency which is generally a safe seat for the Conservitives.
After months of speculation, the campaign for the general election,
will be officially under way very shortly.
Well apparently he’s back from the far East. Although I’ve not heard anything from Rob as yet. Although I expect he’s in need of some sleep.
Oh, btw, while I’m on, apparently my gf likes my new couch. See the archives if you’re confused.
Note to self, apparently “Del” is threatening to come and stay this week. I don’t think my overdraft can stand it.
Amazing what those blind folks get upto.