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Twas on a Monday afternoon that the gasman came to call…

22nd October 2007 • Dave

Birthday celebrations began in Ernest on Thursday. Lovely lemon drizzle cake at work for lunch, and a damn fine Herefordshire steak at the Halfway House later that evening in Bastonford with my sister et al. Yup Bastonford, it's a real place.

The weekend was quite nostalgic including a visit with my mother to Blackburn town centre where I spent substantial chunks of my childhood Saturday mornings trailing around the shops.

During these ddtrips we used to visit a stall on Blackburn market where a man sold sasparilla in real pint and half pint glasses. Propping up the bar with a glass of the cold bubbly aniseed-tasting liquid was a real pleasure for my 9year-old self. On Saturday I made a pilgrimage to the man who claims to have been on Blackburn market for 56 years! And yes I partook in what is, for me at least, an institution.

I also ran into a lad with whom I went to school. 13 years has brought him a wife, 3 kids and a couple of mobile phone shops.

It was back to the present with a bump on Sunday when I returned to Worcester to find my gas boiler had thrown in the towel. Probably the same towel I was using last week to clean up after the leaking water meter under me sink. So this afternoon the Gas man cometh. Something to do with pressure … don't ask me. Anyway it's all sorted. I'm just waiting for the power to go out or something and I'll have had the three, Water, Gas and Electricity.

This week ACB Radio World is covering the European Blind Union Equality and Diversity Forum, plus General Assembly from Turkey. What I have heard so far has been pretty interesting particularly a session exploring the portrayal of blind women in the media. Dolphin are sponsoring coverage which runs until Friday.

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11th October 2007 • Dave

I am reliably informed that news of my Bruichladdich experiences has made it to But can I find any reference on there to either Martin or myself? Can I bollocks. Even using the “site:” prefix on Google returns nada. Oh well. 🙂

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Rocktober so far

7th October 2007 • Dave

Just catching up with email blogs and pods after a busy couple of days.

Thursday morning saw me dragging my sorry arse into the shower at the crack of doom, 5AM to be exact, to get the train to London to speak at Tech Share. There was a lot going on in DAISY, digital tv, mobile phones, web 2.0, and much more to keep me busy over the couple of days of the conference. Probably not such a good idea to burn the candle at the other end as I basked in a torrent of abuse from a gang of rowdy rugby players from Australia and New Zealand in the hotel bar at stupid o’clock. “The only thing worse than a pommy bastard is a blind pommy bastard”!

Friday afternoon I went East to Ipswich to visit with Clare and Martin. Little did I know their would be a fire engine ablaze (doing what it said on the tin) close to the railway line somewhere on the A12 which would take me and my fellow passengers on a coach diversion into deepest darkest Essex. I got to Ipswich eventually although it would have been quicker to come back to Worcester.

The Dove then the Rose and Crown supplied the bulk of the evenings entertainment. Yours truly scared off a few locals by hammering out a couple of numbers on a freshly tuned piano before we headed back to Martin’s Penthouse which everyone knows is situated above a row of well appointed boutiques. Needless to say the whiskey was flowing like the crystal streams they say flow in heaven. It wasn’t long before Roberts was burbling somewhere on the kitchen floor and I was slump on the soap her putting the world to rights with a gentlemen from the United States.

On Saturday Gordon Brown didn’t call an election and Martin redeemed himself waking a morose me with tea and toast then posting my hangover into a taxi bound for the train station. I changed in Cambridge for Birmingham and had the company of various amusing groups of passengers. There were the chavs who between arguments sang along to banging tunes emanating from a mobile phone. The little boy and girl who tickled each other and resisted the attempts of their grandmother to get the kids moving when it was time for them to disembark. The German lady accompanied by an extremely enthusiastic mail student from Stockport.

I arrived relatively safely in Birmingham where I met with friends for a Japanese meal at a Teppanyaki restaurant. If you have not experienced Teppanyaki then I highly recommend it. Not only is it great food, but hugely entertaining.

It’s back to the office for me tomorrow.

Hope all’s well in Internet land.

All the best.

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