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The Eve of 30!

18th October 2006 • Dave

Today is the last day of my twenties. I had dinner with a couple of colleagues this evening. And yay I managed to make it back in time for the Tesco delivery van who were bringing cakes for my birthday tomorrow. Also Liverpool managed to win away against Bordeaux this evening in the European Champions League! Bordeaux has a special resonance for me as I attended the Scotland v Norway fixture during the 1998 World cup with my then girlfriend and family. Oh and Preston are now ten games unbeaten, and there’s a miserable Leeds fan from the West Midlands on the radio. So all is right with the world.

Ten years ago I was being bored at College and pretty much hating it. Today I have a flat, job, more prospects etc. Since becoming twenty in 1996 I have: met the leader of a political party, been to a soccer world cup, witnessed a total solar eclipse, been to Proms concerts at the royal Albert Hall, celebrated a millennium on the banks of the river Thames in London, been engaged, won an award for voluntary work, got stranded on a boat in the middle of the night, jumped out of a plane, stood on the top of Table Mountain in South Africa, played roulette in Vegas, circumnavigated the globe, been to the Edinburgh Fringe, well you get the idea … These were the highlights.

Not sure how I feel about being on the eve of 30. In the great scheme of things 30 is still relatively young. But at the same time I have to recognise that it may be about time I grew up, started saving, drink less, quit smoking, exercise more. Ah well I am going on holiday next week to Austria, so I will probably defer these resolutions until I return.

In the next ten years who knows what will happen. I would like to think that my thirties will be as stimulating as my twenties. And you never know I may find love? Whatever
that is? And would it not be marvellous to buy a house? Read and travel more? So still plenty to do.

Anyway, I have been very lucky thus far. Sincere thanks to the people who make me smile, you know who you are.

I am in Surrey at the weekend with a probable expedition into London, and I fly to Austria on Monday. Hope to do a bit of Podcasting next week, not done any of that in a while.

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