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News from the Williams homestead

22nd April 2007 • Dave

Well it has taken long enough but I have finally received a letter from my solicitor indicating that this coming Friday, contracts will be exchange and the purchase of my little piece of Worcester will be complete! Yay!

what with the possibility of Chancel Check liability, the suspicion that I am situated within 250M of a flood plain, and the company acting on behalf of the lease holder taking ages to respond to my solicitor’s enquiries, everything has ended up taking much longer and costing much more than I anticipated. Maybe I should have just moved into another rented property after all. Would have been much simpler. Although people keep telling me that in five years I will be glad I did it! Mortgage repayments here I come!

Next weekend I will be doing the obligatory housewarming thing with a few friends. Historically my parties have had a tendency to get a little out of hand. But I am determined that the all new mortgage repaying responsible me will keep this one under control. He says keeping everything crossed. Anyway, if there is a demand I could be tempted to stream the ambiance of my housewarming online for your amusement and for those who cannot make it for whatever reason. Places at the virtual online house warming would be limited as I have no intention of buying in server space. So you’ll have to live with whatever my DSL will stand. Think I get something like 440Kbs upstream. So that’s about 8 concurrent listeners at a decent bit rate. But it is just a thought at this stage and I may not bother. Let me know if this is something which may appeal to you.

This weekend has been pretty sensible. Yesterday I had a meeting with my bank to find out why they pay more interest in my current account than on my savings account. The fact that I have not much in either has nothing to do with anything. Anyway after reading his site for two years, I finally decided to take Martin Louis Money Saving Expert advice an become a credit card tart and take out one of these 0 percent deals. It feels good to no that Egg will not be getting a further penny in interest and every penny I pay toward my credit card will actually be paying off the balance.

I had a homemade Berger in one of my favourite Worcester pubs, followed by an overdue haircut from a man who I am sure thought I was deaf and stupid as well as blind. Maybe he had a point? Do not answer that.

Anyway, I walked over to my sister’s place and we went for a walk on the racecourse and along the river. It was a beautiful sunny afternoon and the exercise did me good. I probably walked a total of 7 miles on Saturday which was a bit of a novelty considering I will usually do anything to avoid exercise.

This morning I watched the London Marathon which made me feel exhausted. And this afternoon is the usual Sunday catch up with the news, washing, grocery shopping online and contemplating the week ahead.

The following stories got my attention in the BBC Hereford and Worcester news. After walking along side the river and crossing the Canal every time I go into town I was pleased to read about the plans for £500,000 improvements for canal. With local elections coming up in a couple of weeks it seems like a good idea to keep An eye on the parties. Regular readers will know I have been following the story of Two cautioned over WiFi theft about which I was asked to comment on local radio. Finally, it comes to us all in the end, Obesity affects funeral services so maybe a little exercise is probably a good idea.

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