Please support my friend and colleague Cate Knight as she races for life to support Cancer Research UK.
“Everyone has a story in their lives about someone who has been touched by cancer.
Mine is nothing different or anymore special but someone very important and vital
and lovely died from this horrible disease and she will be missed dreadfully.
This is a tribute and a positive way of fighting for her. Nathalie fought the hardest
battle of all and lost but her friends will continue to fight for her to ensure that
her life and death was not wasted.
Please sponser. Even if it is just a pound.
a pound is…… a fifth of a packet of fags
a pound is…… half a pint
a pound is…… less that two hours parking
a pound is…… three chocolate bars
a pound is…… money down the back of your sofa
a pound is…… worth more than you will ever know unless you give it generously
for a very real and worthy cause.”