If I don't right stuff down here I am likely to forget it. And when I'm old
and my mortgage is paid off, I'll look back at my life and wonder what I did
with all those years. Enter the blog so I can count up and marvel at how
many birthdays celebrated, gigs attended, trips travelled, you get the idea.
November contains the usual assortment.
This weekend the boy Roberts is celebrating his thirtieth. Doubtless our
exploits will be chronicled on his blog next week. On the way to Ipswich I
am planning to meet Chrissie, friend and colleague from my ACB Radio days,
for lunch in London. I am also looking forward to seeing some of the old
Epsom crowd. Long time readers will remember the Save the Riser campaign
from June 2006. Martin has a pub and band booked for Saturday and muggins
will probably play Happy Birthday on the piano once an appropriate quantity
of mild has found it's way down my neck.
The rather fabulous Dream Theatre are touring in the UK this autumn. Yours
truly has tickets to see them here in the midlands on the 10th! Maybe it's
time I listened to that new album then!
The weekend of the 17th will be a breather before heading off to celebrate
yet another birthday, this time in Preston on the 24th. That will probably
be the last trip I make up north before the xmas break.
So lots of train journeys on which to meet all kinds of unhinged individuals
and to get through a few more books from my ever expanding reading list.
Hope all's well with everyone in internet land? Be careful with the
All the best.