40 Years of Moore’s Law – BBC
Makes one wonder where technology will be in 40 years from now.
Makes one wonder where technology will be in 40 years from now.
I awoke fully clothed at 4AM, still with my shoes and jacket on. I was on my couch. Every light in the flat was switched on and there was a tap running in my kitchen and a message on my answer phone from an indian chap wanting to know why no one had answered my door to recieve a curry ordered several hours earlier.
Apparently I had spent the latter part of the afternoon and all of Saturday evening submerging my sorrows in oceans of beer after breaking up with my girlfriend. I had got home somehow, ordered food, and then fallen asleep.
I am not going to post about the reasons for the breakup here. Simply to say that it was great for a time, we both must celebrate the six months we spent together. She could fix it, but I know she will not. And that is why we have to both go our separate ways. Cliche alert! I sincerely hope we will be friends.
In other news, the wife of the former president of the American Council of the Blind sadly died over the weekend. My thoughts are with Paul and his family at this time.
Digital Spy is reporting Christopher Eccleston could be joining the cast of the film adaptation of Dan Brown’s best seller The Da Vinci Code! Christopher Eccleston has been fantastic as the Doctor and it seems anything the actor touches turns to gold.
‘Could the “can’t be bothered with it” party win another huge advance?’
In contrast with a damning review, about which I blogged on Sunday, The Guide reckon the HHG2G film is going to be ok. Jury still out me thinks. Have to wait until next week to find out.
After just 10 days of asking, Jamahl Epsicokhan aka Jammer managed to raise the $556 needed to buy him the Star Trek Next Generation DVDs. Ah that’s where I’ve been going wrong, I should have become a reviewer. Well if you want to buy me some DVDs just click that Paypal button down on the right of the page.
It’ll be interesting to compare Jammer’s TNG reviews which those written by the one and only Tim Linch back in the 90s.
Nothing I didn’t expect here, but it’s worth being sure.
See if your results tally with your expectations. Mine did.
Certainly some food for thought here. Nothing really new in this piece, but it’s a good round-up of the various doomsday scenarios on offer. If you could choose, which one would you go for and why?
Yeh and so does wanking. Get the hell out of here.
Occasionally, for reasons known best only to themselves, people choose to send me money. Sometimes this is for services rendered, sometimes it’s because people want me to go away, and once in a while it’s because people just want to show how much they love me by dropping me a few quid. It’s good for the soul. Maybe it’ll be good for your soul? Well give it a try and feel much better about yourself in the knowledge that you just brightened up my day. Just click the Paypal button down on the right.