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Honeybees Natural Nursery Store, Natural products for you and your family

26th January 2009 • Dave

Amongst the sleepless nights, endless feeds and nappy changes, we stumbled across this excellent local supplier of quality baby paraphernalia. A refreshing change from the usual high street suspects, Mother Care et al.

Arlo is now 18 days old. The Bugaboo Bea pushchair is working out well, yours truly has been getting his hands dirty with his share of nappy changes, Arlo’s birth has been registered, and the flow of visitors has finally reduced to a dull roar.

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and his name is . ..

10th January 2009 • Dave

At 11:58GMT on Thursday our little boy was born by emergency cesarean at the Birmingham Women's hospital. He had been a bit distressed and wrapped up in his cord. He ways 4lb and measures 48 cm in length. So he is being observed on the special care baby unit 2 keep him warm for the first day or 2. Mother and baby are visiting each other regularly and should be reunited in the next few hours. We have named him Arlo David Williams. Arlo means fortified hill. Thanks to everyone for all your messages of support. We hope to eventually catch up with everyone individually. Cheers.

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Vitamin K or not to Vitamin K

4th January 2009 • Dave

Just one of a gazillion decisions Emma and I will need to take in the days and decades ahead. It did not take us very long to realise that this parenting lark is a bit of a mine field!

We had a superb xmas and new year thank you very much for asking. Themes included: food and drink, plenty of long walks to work off some of the food and drink, oh and a couple of rounds of Scrabble to make sure our brains didn’t completely seize up. We also made the most of the opportunity to enjoy a few lie-ins in advance of baby feeding and nappy changing at the inevitable 3AM.

Our 2009 promises to be a busy one. Baby should be on his way within the next few days/weeks. On the house front we’re subject to contract … again.

Before any of that though, I’ve got to take care of a xmas tree shitting pine neegles all over the carpet.

Right I’m off to eat Jam Roly-poly and watch Lark Rise to Candleford.

Top of the year to you and your’s.

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